2011 Nobel-Pauling Biotech Pharma Symposium
2009 Nobel-Pauling Biotech Christmas Dim Sum Symposium
Thanksgivng day Biotech Career Symposium
Biotech CEO Pow-Wow, May 4-5, 2007
News Articles
Five attributes of a successful manager in a research organization (PDF)
SUMMARY: What does it take to make the transition from scientist to manager?
by Grace H W Wong in September 2006 Nature Biotechnology, Volume 24, Number 9
Opportunities in Asia, outsourcing at home
by Dyke Hendrickson, March 3, 2006 Mass High Tech
CHINA: low-cost labor is not enough – the need for innovation and higher standards. Can Hong Kong serve as a gateway to mainland China?
by Grace H W Wong in February 2006 Nature Biotechnology, Volume 24, Number 2
February 2005 Nature Biotechnology
The best preparation for a scientist job search
Grace H W Wong
Full text | PDF
January 2005 Nature Biotechnology
Consider post-doctoral training in industry
Grace H W Wong
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November 2004 Nature Biotechnology
Ask the experts: how to get hired
Grace H W Wong
Full text | PDF
There is hope! New evidence shows that the clock can be turned back on with the help of HGH.
Dr. Grace Wong Ph.D - HGH Hypothesis
Grace's Student Vision P.9 to p. 11 by Dr. Thomas Tan, Senior Scientist at Eli Lilly, for ISICR International Society Interferon and Cytokine Research Newsletter, October, 2003
"Ask the Experts: How to get Hired" by Grace Wong, 11/2004
"Making the match" by Paul Smaglik, Naturejobs editor, 10/27/2004
"Get a foot in the door" by Grace Wong, 10/27/2004
The Story of Student Vision by Grace Wong
"Networking, Networking, Networking, Networking, Networking" by Myrna Watanabe in Naturejobs, 8/12/2004.
"Biomed Rounds: Pomp, circumstance and some speaker suggestions for grad ceremonies" by Dyke Hendrickson in Mass High Tech: The Journal of New England Technology, 5/24/2004."Industry, government luminaries offer opportunities for observation" by Dyke Hendrickson in Mass High Tech: The Journal of New England Technology, 1/12/2004.
"Grace Wong's Student Vision" by Thomas Tan, International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research 10/2003
"Pauling conference feeds the life sciences industry" by Dyke Hendrickson in Mass High Tech: The Journal of New England Technology, 10/6/2003.
"Biomed Rounds: Symposium takes a Nobel approach to drug discovery" by Dyke Hendrickson in Mass High Tech: The Journal of New England Technology, 9/8/2003. (See image of print article)
Invited Seminar
April 17, 2006
Dr. Grace Wong was invited to speak at GSAS Harvard Biotechnology Club
Women in Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical and Biotech Research Panel
Click for details
April 29, 2005
Dr. Grace Wong was invited to speak at Naturejobs/NYAS Career Symposium: Bioscience Research: "Where Do You Fit In?"- Naturejobs/NYAS Career Fair and Symposium
9 am to 5 pm
Title of panel discussion: "Practicalities and Possibilities for your job in Drug Discovery and Drug Development."
MODERATOR: Paul Smaglik PhD, Editor of NatureJobs
March 30, 2005
Dr. Grace Wong was invited to speak at LRIG meeting at Millennium Pharmaceuticals
Title: New Drug Screening for Cellular Protection Against Oxidative Insult and Viral Infection
Dec 14, 2004
Dr. Grace Wong was invited to speak at the 2004 IABMR Symposium
Title: How to get a foot in the door and founding of ActoKine Therapeutics and Student Vision
August 16, 2004
Dr. Grace Wong was invited to speak at 2004 annual Showcase for Biotechnology in Johnstown, PA
Title: Identification of Radioprotective and viral Preventive genes for Biodefense
Click for details
July 21, 2004
Dr. Grace Wong was invited to speak at Medical MDG networking forum
Title: New Therapeutic Indications of Cytokines in Biodefense (Protection against dirty bomb and virus infection)
Click for details
March 31, 2004
Dr. Grace Wong was invited to speak at Whitehead Institute at 2004 Metro
Click for photos
Note: The 2004 Metro Area Symposium is NOT a Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium.
Past Events
October 30, 2006
11th Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium
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September 2, 2006
10th Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium
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April 7-9, 2006
9th Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium
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February 26, 2006
8th Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium
Click for detailsFebruary 23-25, 2006
7th Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium
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December 25, 2003
6th Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium
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Click for photosNovember 27, 2003
5th Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium
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October 11, 2003
4th Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium: Career Seminar
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September 28, 2003
3rd Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium: Academia vs. Industry
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July 30, 2003
2nd Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium: Biotech vs. Big Pharma
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June 11, 2003
1st Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium: Cytokine Genomics RNAi
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June 7, 2003
Dr. Grace Wong was invited to give a seminar "Strategies for Getting a Job and Becoming Productive in the Biotech World" for IABMR
Click for details
April 8, 2003
Dr. Grace Wong attended Nobel Day in France Lyon (invited).
Jan 18, 2003
Dr. Grace Wong presented education seminar (invited) on Strategies to get a job in Biotechs and Pharmceuticals at SAPA, MIT.
Nov 23, 2002
Dr. Grace Wong presented seminar (invited) at BioEntrepreneurship Symposium, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.
Oct 26, 2002
Dr. Grace Wong presented elevator pitch at The MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge, Newton Marriott Hotel, Newton, Boston.
Oct 6-11, 2002
Dr. Grace Wong presented seminar at International Interferon and Cytokine Conference in Torino, Italy.
June 24-25, 2002
Dr. Grace Wong presented seminar at 6th International Inflammation (invited) in Drug Discovery and Development, Princeton, NJ.
April 6-7, 2002
Dr. Grace Wong presented seminar (invited) at 7th CBA conference, Rockville, MD
Alex Pauling or Richard Shamon
12 Middlesex Rd # 411, Chestnut Hill, Brookline, MA 02467, USA
Tel: 1-617-566-0511
E-mail: hw at studentvision.org
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