News & Events

October 11, 2003

4th Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium

Organizer: Student Vision (
Sponsors: Major sponsors are ActoKine, LRIG , Aventis & InnoCentive, and others

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MIT Dim Sum for Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium

10:00 am
Booth Set Up, Registration, Booth Exhibition & MIT Dim Sum
11:30 am
Welcome: Grace Wong, PhD, ActoKine Therapeutics
Program Moderators: Erik Streed, MIT, Catherine Laplace PhD ActoKine Therapeutics, David Merberg, PhD Cell Signaling Technology, Raul Krauss, PhD ActoKine Therapeutics, Meena Subramanyam, PhD Biogen
12:00 pm
Chair: Sean Sanders, PhD, TranXenoGen, Inc.
Speaker: John Randle, PhD, Vertex Pharmaceuticals.
Title: ICE inhibitors for the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune disorders
12:30 pm
Chair: Justin Lancaster, PhD, MolecularWare, Inc./CalbaTech
Speaker: Tomi Sawyer, PhD, Ariad Pharmaceuticals
Title: Protein Kinase Inhibitors: Novel Ligands to Breakthrough Medicines
1:00 pm
Networking, Booth Exhibition & Buffet Dim Sum
1:30 pm
Chair: Cynthia Palmer, PhD, Pfizer
Speaker: Scott Wadsworth, PhD, Johnson & Johnson
Title: The Role of p38 Kinase in Cytokine Production
2:00 pm
Chair: Mika Newton, PhD, Tripos Inc
Speaker: Shuguang Zhang, PhD, MIT
Title: Beyond the Petri Dish: 3-D Peptide Scaffolds for Biomedical Research
2:30 pm
Networking, Booth Exhibition & Buffet Dim Sum
3:00 pm
Chairs: Shailendra Yadav, PhD, Whitehead Institute
Speaker: Andrew Marshall, PhD, Nature Biotechnology
Title: Vision and realities of genomic biotechnology (a talk that address the hype about genomic approaches and what they will deliver).
4:30 pm
Networking, Booth Exhibition & Buffet Dim Sum
4:30 pm
Chair: Siddharth Bhaiya, PhD, Northeastern University
Speaker: Marianne Sweetser MD, PhD, Biogen
Title: Amevive targets memory T cells in psoriasis and other autoimmune disorders
5:00 pm
Networking, Booth Exhibition & Buffet Dinner
5:30 pm
Chair: Catherine Laplace, PhD, ActoKine Therapeutics
Speaker: Brian Zambrowicz, PhD, Lexicon Genetics
Title: Using Mouse Knockout Technology to Guide Drug Development
6:00 pm
Networking, Booth Exhibition
6:15 pm
Chair: Anton Beletskii, PhD, Abbott
Speaker: Thomas D. Gilmore, PhD, Boston University
Title: Role of Rel/NF-kB Transcription Factors in Lymphoma
6:45 pm
Networking & Booth Exhibition
7:15 pm
Chair: Willy Valdivia-Granda, Orion Integrated Biosciences
Speaker: Frank Xie PhD, Intradigm
Title: Using RNAi for discovery of new Drug Targets for cancer?
7:45 pm
Chair: James Yeh, PhD Harvard University
Speaker: Thomas D. Wu, MD, PhD, Genentech
Title: Tumor-specific and Tissue-specific Genes in the Human Genome
8:30 pm
Concluding Remarks by Raul Krauss, PhD, ActoKine Therapeutics

Panel Discussion

Industry Speakers:
 • Aventis (Amar Drawid, PhD, Sridaran Natesan, PhD)
 • Abbott (Anton Beletskii, PhD)
 • Wyeth (Chee-Keng Ng, PhD, Chi-Ting Huang, PhD)
 • Novartis (Yong Yao Xu, Qian Huang, PhD)
 • Pfizer (Jing Luan PhD, Cynthia Palmer, PhD)
 • Johnson & Johnson (Scott Wadsworth, PhD)
 • Amgen (Xiaotian Zhu, PhD)
 • Biogen (Marianne Sweetser, MD, PhD, Meena Subramanyam, PhD)
 • Genentech (Thomas D. Wu, MD, PhD)
 • Serono (Julian Andreev Ph.D, Deanne Taylor PhD, Rong Dong)
 • Schering-Plough (HongYang Zhang, PhD)
 • Genzyme (Victor Liao, PhD)
 • Vertex Pharmaceuticals (John C.R. Randle, PhD)
 • Millennium (Todor Dimitrov, PhD)
 • Lexicon Genetics (Brian Zambrowicz, PhD)
 • Ariad Pharmaceuticals (Tomi Sawyer, PhD)
 • GenPath (Min Wu, PhD)
 • Greiner bio-One (Donna Anthony, PhD)
 • Suntory Pharmaceuticals (Pramod Pandey, PhD, Kathy Seidl, PhD)
 • Syntonix Pharmaceuticals (YingxueYing, PhD)
 • US Genomics (Steven R Gullans, PhD)
 • Bonature Inc (Daniel Hu, PhD)
 • Intradigm (Frank Xie, PhD)
 • Mintz Levin (Sonia Guterman, PhD)
 • TranXenoGen (Sean Sanders, PhD)
 • Tripos Inc (Mika Newton, PhD)
 • TTL Clinical (Mark J. Bergander, PhD)
 • MolecularWare, Inc./CalbaTech (Justin Lancaster, PhD)

Academic Speakers:
 • Boston University (Thomas D Gilmore, PhD)
 • MIT (Shuguang Zhang, PhD, Liping Sun, PhD)
 • Northeastern University (Siddharth Bhaiya, PhD, Keriman SENER, PhD, Sameer Guliani, PhD)
 • Harvard (James Yeh, PhD, Erxi Wu, PhD)
 • Whitehead Institute (Shailendra Yadav, PhD)
 • UMass Medical School (Irene Bosch, PhD)
 • Cambridge Business Development Center (Jean Moreau, PhD)
 • Ponta Grossa State University (Vitoldo Antonio Kozlowski Jr)
 • Brandeis University (Rma Sarma, PhD, Philip Mason ,PhD)
 • Harvard Medical School (Mikhail Semenov, PhD)
 • Forsyth-Harvard School (YiPing Li, PhD)
 • Tufts University (Nathalie Weizmann, PhD)
 • The Forsyth Institute (Donna L. Mager)
 • Brown University (Fredrik Haeffner, PhD)
 • UMASS, Lowell (Madhavi Seeram, PhD)

The goal of Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium is to offer opportunities for life-long learners to share cutting-edge biotechnologies and to network with scientific leaders and decision-makers one-on-one.

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