News & Events
October 11, 2003
4th Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium
Organizer: Student Vision (
Sponsors: Major sponsors are ActoKine, LRIG , Aventis & InnoCentive, and others
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MIT Dim Sum for Nobel Pauling Biotech SymposiumAgenda
10:00 amBooth Set Up, Registration, Booth Exhibition & MIT Dim Sum 11:30 amWelcome: Grace Wong, PhD, ActoKine Therapeutics
Program Moderators: Erik Streed, MIT, Catherine Laplace PhD ActoKine Therapeutics, David Merberg, PhD Cell Signaling Technology, Raul Krauss, PhD ActoKine Therapeutics, Meena Subramanyam, PhD Biogen
12:00 pmChair: Sean Sanders, PhD, TranXenoGen, Inc.
Speaker: John Randle, PhD, Vertex Pharmaceuticals.
Title: ICE inhibitors for the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune disorders 12:30 pmChair: Justin Lancaster, PhD, MolecularWare, Inc./CalbaTech
Speaker: Tomi Sawyer, PhD, Ariad Pharmaceuticals
Title: Protein Kinase Inhibitors: Novel Ligands to Breakthrough Medicines 1:00 pmNetworking, Booth Exhibition & Buffet Dim Sum 1:30 pmChair: Cynthia Palmer, PhD, Pfizer
Speaker: Scott Wadsworth, PhD, Johnson & Johnson
Title: The Role of p38 Kinase in Cytokine Production 2:00 pmChair: Mika Newton, PhD, Tripos Inc
Speaker: Shuguang Zhang, PhD, MIT
Title: Beyond the Petri Dish: 3-D Peptide Scaffolds for Biomedical Research 2:30 pmNetworking, Booth Exhibition & Buffet Dim Sum 3:00 pmChairs: Shailendra Yadav, PhD, Whitehead Institute
Speaker: Andrew Marshall, PhD, Nature Biotechnology
Title: Vision and realities of genomic biotechnology (a talk that address the hype about genomic approaches and what they will deliver). 4:30 pmNetworking, Booth Exhibition & Buffet Dim Sum 4:30 pmChair: Siddharth Bhaiya, PhD, Northeastern University
Speaker: Marianne Sweetser MD, PhD, Biogen
Title: Amevive targets memory T cells in psoriasis and other autoimmune disorders 5:00 pmNetworking, Booth Exhibition & Buffet Dinner 5:30 pmChair: Catherine Laplace, PhD, ActoKine Therapeutics
Speaker: Brian Zambrowicz, PhD, Lexicon Genetics
Title: Using Mouse Knockout Technology to Guide Drug Development 6:00 pmNetworking, Booth Exhibition 6:15 pmChair: Anton Beletskii, PhD, Abbott
Speaker: Thomas D. Gilmore, PhD, Boston University
Title: Role of Rel/NF-kB Transcription Factors in Lymphoma 6:45 pmNetworking & Booth Exhibition 7:15 pmChair: Willy Valdivia-Granda, Orion Integrated Biosciences
Speaker: Frank Xie PhD, Intradigm
Title: Using RNAi for discovery of new Drug Targets for cancer? 7:45 pmChair: James Yeh, PhD Harvard University
Speaker: Thomas D. Wu, MD, PhD, Genentech
Title: Tumor-specific and Tissue-specific Genes in the Human Genome 8:30 pmConcluding Remarks by Raul Krauss, PhD, ActoKine Therapeutics
Panel Discussion
Industry Speakers:
Aventis (Amar Drawid, PhD, Sridaran Natesan, PhD)
Abbott (Anton Beletskii, PhD)
Wyeth (Chee-Keng Ng, PhD, Chi-Ting Huang, PhD)
Novartis (Yong Yao Xu, Qian Huang, PhD)
Pfizer (Jing Luan PhD, Cynthia Palmer, PhD)
Johnson & Johnson (Scott Wadsworth, PhD)
Amgen (Xiaotian Zhu, PhD)
Biogen (Marianne Sweetser, MD, PhD, Meena Subramanyam, PhD)
Genentech (Thomas D. Wu, MD, PhD)
Serono (Julian Andreev Ph.D, Deanne Taylor PhD, Rong Dong)
Schering-Plough (HongYang Zhang, PhD)
Genzyme (Victor Liao, PhD)
Vertex Pharmaceuticals (John C.R. Randle, PhD)
Millennium (Todor Dimitrov, PhD)
Lexicon Genetics (Brian Zambrowicz, PhD)
Ariad Pharmaceuticals (Tomi Sawyer, PhD)
GenPath (Min Wu, PhD)
Greiner bio-One (Donna Anthony, PhD)
Suntory Pharmaceuticals (Pramod Pandey, PhD, Kathy Seidl, PhD)
Syntonix Pharmaceuticals (YingxueYing, PhD)
US Genomics (Steven R Gullans, PhD)
Bonature Inc (Daniel Hu, PhD)
Intradigm (Frank Xie, PhD)
Mintz Levin (Sonia Guterman, PhD)
TranXenoGen (Sean Sanders, PhD)
Tripos Inc (Mika Newton, PhD)
TTL Clinical (Mark J. Bergander, PhD)
MolecularWare, Inc./CalbaTech (Justin Lancaster, PhD)
Academic Speakers:
Boston University (Thomas D Gilmore, PhD)
MIT (Shuguang Zhang, PhD, Liping Sun, PhD)
Northeastern University (Siddharth Bhaiya, PhD, Keriman SENER, PhD, Sameer Guliani, PhD)
Harvard (James Yeh, PhD, Erxi Wu, PhD)
Whitehead Institute (Shailendra Yadav, PhD)
UMass Medical School (Irene Bosch, PhD)
Cambridge Business Development Center (Jean Moreau, PhD)
Ponta Grossa State University (Vitoldo Antonio Kozlowski Jr)
Brandeis University (Rma Sarma, PhD, Philip Mason ,PhD)
Harvard Medical School (Mikhail Semenov, PhD)
Forsyth-Harvard School (YiPing Li, PhD)
Tufts University (Nathalie Weizmann, PhD)
The Forsyth Institute (Donna L. Mager)
Brown University (Fredrik Haeffner, PhD)
UMASS, Lowell (Madhavi Seeram, PhD)
The goal of Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium is to offer opportunities for life-long learners to share cutting-edge biotechnologies and to network with scientific leaders and decision-makers one-on-one.
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