The Mission of Student Vision
To provide biotech learning opportunities for students of all ages and to mix good business with science innovation from academia and industry, USA, Europe and Asia (e.g. Hong Kong-China, India etc).
Let your candle light the path for others
Student Vision inspires students of all ages in biotechnology
Goals of Student Vision:
1) To provide opportunities for people from academia, biotechnology companies, and pharmaceutical companies to become acquainted for future collaborations and business agreements,
2) To share cutting edge developments in biotechnology for new drug discovery,
3) To inspire people to become innovative and productive,
4) To build a bridge for research innovation between academia and industry,
5) To build a bridge for biotech-pharma between the USA, Europe and Asia,
The goal is to build a bridge between academia and industry, USA, Europe and Asia
This vision is realized through the following specific activities:
1) Providing seminars, with "smart pitch" sessions, by scientists and science entrepreneurs (Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium),
2) Creating skills for getting a foot in the door,
3) Coaching members in presenting their ideas and providing them with opportunities to practice,
4) Building a community of friends and colleagues with special networking meetings on holidays (including Christmas and Thanksgiving days), and
5) Creating Linus Pauling Biotech Symposium to mix good business with exciting science, the WEST meets the EAST.
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Pauling Biotech Symposium | Symposium Agenda | Symposium Speakers | Symposium Testimonials
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copyright 2003-2012